Alquiler de bicicletas urbanas

 7.95 - 16.50 /Por Día


3 marches

Adjustable saddle

Light steel

2 padlocks

Security lights

Prick wheels

Chain protector

Hora y Fecha de punto de Recogida
Hora y fecha de Entrega

¿Are you looking for an affordable but reliable bicycle rental service in Barcelona?

Choose the classic urban bike from Bike Rental Barcelona. ¡Three gears, all the padlocks you need and a very competitive price!


Rent an Urban Bike in Barcelona

There is no better way to explore Barcelona than by bicycle, especially with one as comfortable as ours. Have a good time pedaling around town with wide bars, strong hand brakes, and any accessories you need such as a phone or helmet holder.

Bike Rental Barcelona custom-made urban bikes are sturdy, lightweight and trustworthy rental bikes. These bikes designed for comfort. They have three marches, which means that you can climb the slopes of the streets of Barcelona, such as that of Gran de Gràcia, for example, without any problem.

And if the wind rises next to the beach and is behind you, just increase the gear to get that extra speed. There is nothing better than crossing the city by bike with the wind in favor. Try to believe.

Discovering Barcelona at night is not a problem with our bicycles either, since all of them have front and rear lights so that you are visible and stay safe on all your trips. Remember to ring the bell on the handlebar if another cyclist or pedestrian crossing the street does not see you coming.


Ciclismo seguro con la bici urbana

¿Has encontrado el lugar perfecto para una foto y te quieres parar? Basta con apretar los frenos de mano para detenerse con seguridad. ¡Pero no apretes demasiado! Recuerda que puede haber alguien detrás de ti.

El freno izquierdo es para la rueda delantera y el derecho para la trasera. El avanzado sistema de freno de rodillo holandés garantiza que las ruedas no se bloqueen al detenerse.

En nuestra tienda ajustaremos la altura del manillar y del sillín a tu altura según sea necesario, y si aún así prefieres que el sillín esté un poco más alto o más bajo, puedes ajustarlo fácilmente sin necesidad de herramientas. El protector de la cadena protege tu ropa de la grasa y la suciedad. Limpiamos nuestras bicis de alquiler regularmente para que los ciclistas se sientan cómodos utilizándolas.


Cycling in Barcelona: what to do and what not

If you rent a classic urban bicycle at Bike Rental Barcelona, you will not immediately stand out as a tourist because the design of our bicycles is like that of the locals. No logos or garish colors.

So, as a local, it is even more important to stick to Barcelona’s traffic regulations. Not everyone is used to bicycles yet. Pay close attention in all directions.

In principle, all traffic coming from the right has the right of way, so never skip a red light, stay on the bike lanes and never hit the brake suddenly and too hard. ¿Can you respect traffic regulations? So pedaling around Barcelona will undoubtedly be a joy. There is no better way to see the sights than outdoors and enjoying all the sun has to offer in this perfect vacation destination.